
April 1, 2013
Peace Boat supported the Spanish translation of Tokyo's Assistance Manual for Foreigners in Times of Disaster.

February 9, 2013
Peace Boat continues its support for populations affected by Hurricane Sandy in New York and New Jersey through the dispatch of two volunteers in 2013.

February 3, 2013
【Shinjuku】 Multicultural and Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Discussion City Walk (Part 2)

Peace Boat jointly implemented the Multicultural and Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Discussion City Walk in Tokyo's Shinjuku Ward.

December 12, 2012
Peace Boat is active in post Hurricane Sandy relief efforts, reciprocating the support extended to Japan from US citizens following the March 11 disaster.

November 6, 2012
Peace Boat Disaster Relief Volunteer Centre Programme Officer participated in the Training of Trainers the “Sphere Project” in October in Seoul.

September 19, 2012
Mr Paul Bilney first came to Ishinomaki all the way from Australia in April last year soon after the disaster struck, and is a veteran international volunteer.

July 30, 2012
The Peace Boat Center Ishinomaki opened on June 2, and has welcomed over 1,000 people in the six weeks since.

June 12, 2012
Sixth graders from an international school in Tokyo learning about Peace Boat's disaster relief activities.

June 11, 2012
The 'Funakoshi Ladies' famously make and sell necklaces and cellphone straps made from the local specialty, Ogatsu Stone.

April 9, 2012
Disaster relief related activities carried out together with partners in ports around the world during Peace Boat's global voyages.
April 6, 2012
Messages of support for the Ishinomaki Technical High School baseball team from the Ambassadors of Panama and Cuba to Japan, as well as former MLB player Bobby Valentine.

February 24, 2012
Peace Boat news from Ishinomaki, more information about volunteer work and plans for the 1 year anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami.

February 7, 2012
The new project, “Volunteer Experience Fishing in Ishinomaki” mainly focuses on “exchange and experience,” rather than the provision of labour for the harvest.

February 4, 2012
Volunteer carpenters work to build a wooden deck for the "Onagawa Container Village Shopping Centre.”

December 27, 2011
Peace Boat activities to support the local fishing industry in the Ishinomaki area were carried out in 16 coastal locations in Ogatsu and the Oshika Peninsula, on 160 days in 2011.

December 26, 2011
The 24 minute documentary, "One Step Towards Recovery - Ties Between Survivors and Volunteers" is now available on line!

November 14, 2011
Matsumura Junichi has been working long term as a volunteer in charge of one of the volunteer accommodation facilities - a vital aspect of Peace Boat's volunteer programme.
October 28, 2011
The Peace Boat Disaster Relief Volunteer Centre has started a monthly magazine of information from Ishinomaki, to share with people who have joined volunteer activities in Ishinomaki to date.

A volunteer team from the Malaysian Association of Youth Club (MAYC) spent five days in Ishinomaki between 18-22 October.

October 6, 2011
This report follows Cleaning Team Assistant Director Ichijo Kenji, who has been in Ishinomaki since March 21 and is responsible for debris clearance and home cleaning activities.
October 5, 2011

October 1, 2011
On September 25, the 8th Tricolore Music Festival was held in Ishinomaki, thanks to the local residents' passion for music and strong desire to work towards recovery and revitalize the local community.

September 30, 2011
Orientations, training and safety measures for volunteers have been developed greatly as the activities have proceeded over the past six months. Read here for further information about such issues.

September 17, 2011
Taylor Anderson was an assistant English teacher from the US who lost her life in the tsunami. 4 members of her family volunteered with Peace Boat in her beloved Ishinomaki on September 8.

September 16, 2011
On September 9 approximately 30 volunteers participated in the Festival at Hayamahime Temple Festival Temple, which is located in the Oginohama area of the Oshika Peninsula.

September 12, 2011
Slate stones are a traditional industry of Ogatsu town, near Ishinomaki. Volunteers have been working to collect them to be reused for things such as roof tiles, accessories and ink stones.

September 11, 2011
Peace Boat has completed cleaning of over 1,200 locations in Ishinomaki, including homes, shops, schools, drains and cemeteries. These photos show scenes before and after volunteer efforts.

September 7, 2011
Recently volunteers have become busy with cleaning graves and the surrounding areas, as local residents have requested help to have the graves cleaned by the time of the coming equinox.

September 6, 2011
A new style of meal preparation– BBQs, where ingredients and equipment (rather than ready-made meals) are brought and volunteers and residents cook together in an environment of regained independence.
August 27, 2011

August 26, 2011
On July 26, “Corrida por Japon” or “Let's run for Japan” was held by the Japan Chamber of Commerce in Paraguay. Funds collected by the 1000 participants were donated to Peace Boat for disaster relief.

August 25, 2011
Flies and mosquitoes are increasing in the disaster affected areas, and Peace Boat is now working to install fly screens in evacuation centres throughout the Ishinomaki region.
August 23, 2011

An exhibition of photographs from areas affected by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake & Tsunami was conducted in 19 ports around the world during Peace Boat’s 73rd Global Peace Voyage.
August 19, 2011

August 17, 2011
The collection of the Kinoya store “Cans of Hope” has been completed! Peace Boat volunteers worked with factory employees to collect and sort the 80,000 cans of local seafood since June 28, 2011.
August 11, 2011

August 10, 2011
The Nigerian community in Japan have been actively involved in relief efforts, supporting Peace Boat's project for people moving into temporary housing in Onagawa, Miyagi Prefecture.

August 9, 2011
Survivors of the 2004 Sumatra tsunami gave many tsunamika dolls to survivors of the tsunami which hit Japan this year, as a gift of support and a living symbol of overcoming such difficulty.

August 5, 2011
On the 2nd day of the Kawabiraki Festival, many high-spirited voices flew about the Ishinomaki shopping arcade, an area previously full of rubble now significantly recovered.

August 4, 2011
Local and traditional products of stores that had re-opened since the disaster were sold at the “Ishinomaki Recovery Market,” with proceeds of sales further contributing to recovery efforts.

The Ishinomaki Kawabiraki (“River Opening”) Festival was held in Ishinomaki on July 31 - August 1, with volunteers working with the local community to create an event of memorial and fun.

July 27, 2011
UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office Minister of State Jeremy Browne and British Ambassador David Warren visited Peace Boat's Central Kitchen.
July 14, 2011