
April 1, 2013
Peace Boat supported the Spanish translation of Tokyo's Assistance Manual for Foreigners in Times of Disaster.
March 19, 2013
Peace Boat participation in the post-2015 Hyogo Framework for Action process.

February 11, 2013
Peace Boat's Disaster Relief Volunteer Centre's ongoing projects in 2013.

February 3, 2013
【Shinjuku】 Multicultural and Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Discussion City Walk (Part 2)

January 5, 2013
Report detailing events and activities held during the first six months of the Peace Boat Center Ishinomaki.

November 16, 2012
On October 17, with the cooperation of NGO/NPOs and corporate partners, Peace Boat hosted an event focused on creating a network to quickly and efficiently provide support after disasters in Japan.

November 13, 2012
Now recruiting students for Case study Training in Tokyo on November 25, 2012!

October 31, 2012
Originally from Iwate Prefecture, Anbai Yuhiro currently volunteers in the Peace Boat Disaster Relief Volunteer Centre office in Tokyo.

July 30, 2012
The Peace Boat Center Ishinomaki opened on June 2, and has welcomed over 1,000 people in the six weeks since.

July 11, 2012
The community space "Peace Boat Center Ishinomaki" was officially opened on June 2.

June 12, 2012
Sixth graders from an international school in Tokyo learning about Peace Boat's disaster relief activities.

February 24, 2012
Peace Boat news from Ishinomaki, more information about volunteer work and plans for the 1 year anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami.

February 15, 2012
A live performance was held by renowned singer Kato Tokiko in Ishinomaki.

December 26, 2011
The 24 minute documentary, "One Step Towards Recovery - Ties Between Survivors and Volunteers" is now available on line!

December 2, 2011
From November 23 to 27, “Tomoni-Mae-e-Ganbaru Shotengai Matsuri" (Let's Work Together Together to Move Forward Shopping Street Festival) was held in the center of Ishinomaki, where the local community together made a 100m Norimaki (sushi roll).

November 14, 2011
Matsumura Junichi has been working long term as a volunteer in charge of one of the volunteer accommodation facilities - a vital aspect of Peace Boat's volunteer programme.

November 8, 2011
Peace Boat has started collecting donations for the purpose of providing emergency relief to people suffering in earthquake affected areas of Turkey.

October 18, 2011
On October 13 the “Report on emergency relief efforts 7 months on from March 11 - 'Creating a system to utilize volunteers'” report session was held at the JICA Global Plaza in Hiroo, Tokyo.

October 6, 2011
This report follows Cleaning Team Assistant Director Ichijo Kenji, who has been in Ishinomaki since March 21 and is responsible for debris clearance and home cleaning activities.
October 5, 2011

September 30, 2011
Orientations, training and safety measures for volunteers have been developed greatly as the activities have proceeded over the past six months. Read here for further information about such issues.

August 15, 2011
Peace Boat staff Kobayashi Shingo entered Ishinomaki on March 17, and for the past 5 months has been working daily to link governmental and civilian agencies and groups there.

August 10, 2011
The Nigerian community in Japan have been actively involved in relief efforts, supporting Peace Boat's project for people moving into temporary housing in Onagawa, Miyagi Prefecture.

August 4, 2011
Local and traditional products of stores that had re-opened since the disaster were sold at the “Ishinomaki Recovery Market,” with proceeds of sales further contributing to recovery efforts.

July 27, 2011
UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office Minister of State Jeremy Browne and British Ambassador David Warren visited Peace Boat's Central Kitchen.
July 22, 2011

July 21, 2011
There are many volunteer opportunities for people in Tokyo, either to continue activities after volunteering in Ishinomaki, or for those not able to directly go to the disaster affected areas.
July 7, 2011
June 4, 2011

May 30, 2011
"Every bit helps. All you need is empathy, to put yourself in the shoes of the survivors," says Peace Boat staff Ueshima Yasuhiro. “Alone, people become despondent....but together, they gain courage."

May 25, 2011
"It is important to make sure that efforts are sustainable – to guarantee meals not only today, but also tomorrow."

May 20, 2011
Peace Boat staff Ueshima Yasuhiro has been coordinating the 2000 volunteers that Peace Boat has dispatched to Ishinomaki over the past two months.

May 19, 2011
"I didn't think I could make it through, but then I saw Peace Boat volunteers, with their boundless energy, partaking in sludge and debris removal. They gave me courage and the drive not to give up."

May 12, 2011
Peace Boat stores all donated relief goods such as food, sanitary goods, household items and cleaning equipment at the indoor sports hall of the Ishinomaki Senshu University.

May 1, 2011
It is now Golden Week, with many public holidays in Japan. Many people use this vacation time to volunteer in affected areas, and Peace Boat is coordinating 660 volunteers this week.