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Oshika peninsula is famous for oyster farming. My fishing village experience!

June 15, 2012

Interview with a participant in the experience and exchange programme launched in 2012 for interaction between volunteers and local fisherfolk.

12-s1 For Lasting Support! Fishing Experience Program – 2nd day of Wakame seaweed harvesting

April 9, 2012

A volunteer's experience during the first fishing experience programme held in Sudachi/Fukiura, Ojika Peninsula.

01-s1 Gathering scallop shells for oyster cultivation

February 5, 2012

Volunteers are active helping to collect scallop shells to use for the cultivation of oysters to help the local fishing industry recover.

05-s1 2011 Fishing Support Report

December 27, 2011

Peace Boat activities to support the local fishing industry in the Ishinomaki area were carried out in 16 coastal locations in Ogatsu and the Oshika Peninsula, on 160 days in 2011.

01-s Team from Malaysia hard at work!

October 28, 2011

A volunteer team from the Malaysian Association of Youth Club (MAYC) spent five days in Ishinomaki between 18-22 October.

DSC04282-s Hayamahime Temple Festival, Oginohama

September 16, 2011

On September 9 approximately 30 volunteers participated in the Festival at Hayamahime Temple Festival Temple, which is located in the Oginohama area of the Oshika Peninsula.

12-s Reviving the oyster farms – for harvesting 2 years from now

July 25, 2011

Peace Boat volunteers are assisting to salvage fishing items such as ropes and buoys, and to support the revival of the local oyster farming industry.

05 Supporting the recovery of the fishing industry – Oshika Peninsula

July 10, 2011

Upon request of local fishermen, Peace Boat is now supporting the rebuilding of livelihoods through gathering fishing equipment that was dispersed and damaged by the tsunami.

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