
June 25, 2011
Peace Boat is delivering relief goods for 94 temporary houses in Onagawa, 30km from Ishinomaki. Relief activities are diversifying to respond to the evolving community needs in the affected areas.

June 16, 2011
NGO JIM-NET's “1000 Person Bath Project” is providing baths for evacuees and survivors. "People were so happy when we opened. For the majority, it was their first bath since the earthquake."

June 13, 2011
Bandai Yoshinobu shares with volunteers his own experience of the disaster, hoping for volunteers to see as much of the damage as possible to truly understand the terrible power of the tsunami.

Bandai Yoshinobu is one of many members of the local community working together with Peace Boat. As a bus driver, he has been contributing immensely to recovery efforts by transporting volunteers.

June 8, 2011
Peace Boat has opened a Central Kitchen in Ishinomaki in order to increase the number of meals that can be provided, improving efficiency, sustainability, safety and hygiene.

June 4, 2011
The Moriya Fruit and Vegetable Store was the first shops in Ishinomaki's central street to reopen, on April 13 - just 1 month after the disaster. Such openings provide an important hope for recovery.

June 1, 2011
"I really wanted to protect even just this one tree." Nine cars were piled up in this large persimmon tree during the tsunami, and this tree protected a local family's house from being swept away.