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Deep thanks to all individuals, organisations and corporations who have generously provided both material and financial support for emergency relief and recovery efforts.
The following is a list of some such organisations, which will be updated regularly.

  • ライオン株式会社<br />Provided planters.
  • 東京トヨペット株式会社<br />Sending company employees as volunteers through Peace Boat.
  • サノフィ・アベンティス株式会社Sending company employees as volunteers through Peace Boat.
  • 上智大学グローバル・コンサーン研究所Sending company employees as volunteers through Peace Boat.
  • かめのり財団Providing grant for Fukushima Youth Project.
  • シティグループ・ジャパン・ホールディングス株式会社Sending company employees as volunteers through Peace Boat.
  • シービー・リチャードエリス株式会社 Sending company employees as volunteers through Peace Boat.
  • フィリップ モリス ジャパン株式会社Sending company employees as volunteers through Peace Boat.
  • 東日本大震災復興支援財団Providing grant for Fukushima Youth Project.
  • ヒルトン・ワールドワイド Sending company employees as volunteers through Peace Boat.
  • オグルヴィ・ジャパン・グループ Sending volunteers through Peace Boat.
  • ヒルトン東京Provided support for organizing an event.
  • 九段日本文化研究所 日本語学院Sending company employees as volunteers through Peace Boat.
  • フジ国際語学院Sending company employees as volunteers through Peace Boat.
  • 学校法人ギャラクシー学園 東京ギャラクシー日本語学校Sending company employees as volunteers through Peace Boat.
  • 日本語教育機関アカデミー・オブ・ランゲージ・アーツSending company employees as volunteers through Peace Boat.
  • 株式会社日立国際電気Sending company employees as volunteers through Peace Boat.
  • 立正佼成会Provided grant for relief activities.
  • Japanese American Citizens LeagueProvided grant for relief activities.
  • Swiss SolidarityProvided grant for relief activities.
  • Give2AsiaProvided grant for relief activities.
  • CHURCH WORLD SERVICEProvided grant for relief activities.
  • Ameri CaresProvided grant for relief activities.
  • トップツアー株式会社Sending company employees as volunteers through Peace Boat.
  • ユニリーバSending company employees as volunteers through Peace Boat.
  • 学校法人新井学園赤門会日本語学校Sending company employees as volunteers through Peace Boat.
  • オムロンフィールドエンジニアリング株式会社Sending company employees as volunteers through Peace Boat.
  • 特定非営利活動法人アジア・コミュニティ・センター21Sending company employees as volunteers through Peace Boat.
  • 学校法人東京ドリーム学園 専門学校インターナショナル・スクールオブビジネスSending company employees as volunteers through Peace Boat.
  • ワレニウス ウィルヘルムセン ロジスティックス アジアSending company employees as volunteers through Peace Boat.
  • パルシステム東京Sending company employees as volunteers through Peace Boat.
  • パルシステム連合会Sending company employees as volunteers through Peace Boat.
  • カルビー株式会社Sending company employees as volunteers through Peace Boat.
  • レノボ・ジャパン株式会社Sending company employees as volunteers through Peace Boat.
  • ピツニーボウズジャパン株式会社Sending company employees as volunteers through Peace Boat.
  • 有限会社リボーン<エコツーリズム・ネットワーク>Sending company employees as volunteers through Peace Boat
  • 株式会社マッキャン・ワールドグループ ホールディングスSending company employees as volunteers through Peace Boat.
  • 日清食品グループSending company employees as volunteers through Peace Boat.
  • テサ テープ株式会社Sending company employees as volunteers through Peace Boat and providing supplies including mosquito nets, antiperspirant sprays and so on.
  • ブリヂストン グループSending company employees as volunteers through Peace Boat and providing bicycles.
  • 株式会社モメンタムジャパンSending company employees as volunteers through Peace Boat.
  • 日新火災海上保険株式会社Sending company employees as volunteers through Peace Boat.
  • 株式会社デンソーSending company employees as volunteers through Peace Boat.
  • ヤフー株式会社Cooperation through the Yahoo! Volunteer online donations.Yahoo!
  • Shinjuku HouseDonating funds for the City of Ishinomaki and providing a venue for various events.
  • 株式会社ガリバーインターナショナルProvided vehicles.
  • 公益財団法人 信頼資本財団Provided grant for relief activities.
  • 株式会社ウイルコ 従業員会わかさ会Sending company employees as volunteers through Peace Boat.
  • 特定非営利活動法人コモンビートSending company employees as volunteers through Peace Boat.
  • グラクソ・スミスクラインSending company employees as volunteers through Peace Boat.
  • (財)自治体国際化協会 市民国際プラザPresented our relief activities in the exhibition.
  • 特定非営利活動法人ジャパン・プラットフォームReceiving a grant through Japan Platform’s “Co-Existence Fund”.
  • 東京海上日動火災保険株式会社Sending company employees as volunteers through Peace Boat.
  • 社会福祉法人中央共同募金会 赤い羽根共同募金Receiving cooperation through the grant programme.
  • NPO法人 オンザロードProvided support in the form of relief goods etc.
  • JIM-NETCooperation for bath projects in Ishinomaki.
  •  The British School in TokyoProvided financial support.
  • Sunset DriveOrganised music events for fundraising.
  • St. Maur International SchoolProvided financial support.
  • Red Dot ReliefProvided financial support raised through fundraising events around the world.
  • The British Chamber of Commerce in JapanProvided financial support.
  • Michael Page InternationalProvided financial support.
  • Concept BankProvided relief goods.
  • Direct Relief InternationalProvided grant for relief activities.
  • Yokohama International SchoolProvided donations of material support, relief goods and coordinated the sending of volunteers.
  • JICA中部Providing venues for volunteer information sessions and orientations in Nagoya.
  • JICA東京Providing venues for volunteer information sessions and orientations in Tokyo.
  • JICA地球ひろばProviding venues for volunteer information sessions and orientations in Tokyo and Nagoya.
  • 合同会社 西友Provided supplies.
  • 株式会社ナビタイムジャパンProvided car navigation systems.
  • 新潟県南魚沼市企業部水道課Cooperated through lending water supply vehicles.
  • 公益社団法人 CIVIC FORCECooperating as an operating partner for volunteer activities to support recovery efforts.
  • 伊藤ハム株式会社 Provided ham.
  • 特定非営利活動法人 結いのきProvided ingredients for cooking meals.
  • ロヂャースProvided tire tubes and puncture prevention items.
  • 鶴金社中Provided tents.
  • FMわいわいProvided solar powered radios.
  • 被災地NGO協働センターProvided ingredients for cooking meals.
  • 株式会社エフエム沖縄Provided radios.
  • マクニカネットワークスProvided masks, batteries and towels.
  • HSBCProvided condiments for cooking.
  • イトウ製菓株式会社(+Cuit プラスケット)Provided sweets/cookies.
  • BeingProvided sandbags, pickup truck etc.
  • Date fmProvided radios.
  • 農事組合法人三里塚ワンパック野菜Provided vegetables.
  • 日本ステージ株式会社Provided sandbags, brooms, wheelbarrows etc.
  • 松乃寿司Provided clothing.
  • NPO法人アサザ基金Provided sake lees.
  • 山吹味噌Provided miso for cooking meals.
  • ザ・ボディショップProvided cosmetic items.
  • ピープル・ツリーProvided underwear and clothing.
  • カフェスローCollecting financial donations at the store to help relief efforts.
  • 高瀬物産株式会社Provided ingredients for cooking meals.